The Pros and Cons of Tracking: Why Parents Should Track Their Child’s Phone

Melissa E. Henry

現代的時代需要提出現代的問題 - 這就是一個大問題。父母應該追蹤他們的孩子嗎?當您還小的時候,您的父母不需要做出這樣的決定。首先,他們信任你。即使他們不信任你,也沒有辦法追蹤你。但是時移勢易,我們現在擁有了一些驚人的技術。



  • 根據一項調查顯示,Z 世代其實希望父母能追蹤他們的行蹤。 近期報告
  • 超過 53% 的父母同意使用位置追蹤器是必要的
  • 有多種追蹤孩子的選項,包括 AirTags 和應用程式





如果您是家長,您絕對有權知道您的孩子在哪裡。 您可以使用應用程式找出.事實上,您甚至不需要告訴他們(假設他們未滿 18 歲且住在家中)。

使用 Eyezy 保護孩子的安全。

Reasons Why Parents Should Track Their Child

1. You Need to Get a Hold of Them in an Emergency

家長應該追蹤孩子的最大原因之一,就是我們希望您永遠不會遇到的情況 - 緊急情況。也許現在是凌晨 2 點,而您的青少年應該在晚上 11 點回家。


2. They’re Traveling Somewhere New


這是一個很好的方法,可以讓人在新奇又不自在的環境中稍感安心。而且許多前往遙遠目的地的青少年都很感激他們的父母可以隨意取得他們的位置 (假設他們使用的不是像 Eyezy 這種以隱藏模式運作的應用程式)。

3. You Want to Build Trust



4. Online Safety from Predators

Children can unknowingly interact with online predators through social media or messaging apps. Tracking their phone helps parents monitor conversations and detect potential dangers.

With cybercriminals using sophisticated tactics, having access to their child’s online interactions ensures early intervention if anything suspicious arises. Parental control apps can alert parents about inappropriate chats, helping keep their children safe from online exploitation.

5. Monitoring Screen Time and Digital Well-Being

Excessive screen time can lead to poor sleep, decreased academic performance, and mental health issues. Tracking their phone allows parents to set healthy limits, ensuring children balance their online and offline activities.

By understanding how much time their child spends on apps or social media, parents can promote healthier habits, encouraging outdoor activities, hobbies, and face-to-face interactions instead of excessive screen use.

6. Preventing Risky Social Media Behavior

Children often share personal information online without understanding the risks. They may post sensitive details, share their location, or engage in dangerous online challenges.

Tracking their phone helps parents 監控社交媒體活動, ensuring their child isn’t sharing anything that could put them at risk. Teaching children about responsible digital behavior while keeping an eye on their activity fosters a safer online experience.

7. Preventing Interaction with Strangers

Children may unknowingly interact with strangers through gaming apps, messaging platforms, or social networks. Some predators disguise themselves as peers to gain trust.

By tracking their phone, parents can see who their child is communicating with, ensuring they are not engaging with potentially dangerous individuals. Monitoring calls, texts, and friend requests helps reduce the risk of harmful encounters.

8. Ensuring Academic Productivity

Many students get distracted by social media, games, and YouTube during study hours, affecting their academic performance. Tracking their phone helps parents see if they are using their device productively.

By monitoring app usage, parents can block distractions during school hours, ensuring their child focuses on homework and educational resources rather than engaging in unproductive online activities.

9. Protecting Against Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is a growing concern, with children facing harassment via texts, social media, and online forums. Tracking their phone allows parents to identify harmful messages and intervene before emotional damage occurs.

Since many kids hesitate to share their struggles, monitoring their activity provides insights into potential bullying. This approach ensures children receive the support and guidance they need to handle online conflicts responsibly.

10. Teaching Responsible Digital Habits

Tracking a child’s phone isn’t just about surveillance—it’s about fostering responsible technology use. By monitoring their activity, parents can guide them on privacy, cybersecurity, and digital etiquette.
Encouraging open discussions on why tracking is necessary helps build trust. When used correctly, parental tracking promotes a healthy, secure, and balanced digital lifestyle for children as they grow.



  • 您總是知道他們在哪裡
  • 這可以讓他們感到安全(假設他們知道您正在追蹤他們)
  • 您晚上會睡得更好


  • 青少年可能會認為您在監視他們
  • 某些設計不良的應用程式可能會提供不準確的位置
  • 如果他們知道你在追蹤他們,他們可能會反抗


這是 Eyezy.監控應用程式包括一個稱為 Pinpoint 的工具,它可以顯示孩子目前的位置,還可以讓您看到他們曾經去過的地方。有了 Magic Alerts,您可以設定安全區和危險區,並在他們進入或離開這些區域時找出答案。

位置追蹤只是 Eyezy 包含的眾多工具之一,可協助您隨時監控孩子,確保他們的安全。您可以試用試用版,探索其他工具,例如 Social Spotlight (可讓您讀取他們在社交媒體上的私人聊天內容)。

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Melissa 從事教育工作已超過 10 年。身為金融和行銷職業群組的職業教育教師,她在以簡單的文字解釋複雜的事物方面經驗豐富。除了讓學生掌握所需的技能之外,她也會在線上分享她的知識,提供行銷相關的教育文章以及各種數位工具的使用指南。


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