Facebook 似乎是孩子們保持聯繫的好方法。但在您讓您的孩子使用這個社群媒體應用程式之前,請務必瞭解 Facebook 的存在是為了賺錢。他們並不真正關心任何人的隱私 - 包括您孩子的隱私。這就是為什麼 Facebook 的家長監控並不那麼先進的原因。
社交媒體巨頭想盡可能瞭解您孩子的一切。孩子們的聯繫越多、參與越多,對 Facebook 就越有利。
但是身為家長,您有責任保護您的孩子。這不僅僅是知道如何在 Facebook 上封鎖不適當的視訊。或只是 監控他們的 Facebook Messenger.您希望封鎖各種內容。和陌生人。因為他們有數十億人在等待連線。
從 Facebook 內建的隱私權工具開始
Does Facebook have parental controls? Sort of. They provide basic settings that let you tighten up your profile and remain a little more hidden than Facebook would like. While they aren’t foolproof, and while there are more things you can do to control Facebook content, this is a great place to start.
1. Set Up Privacy Settings for Your Child’s Profile
- Log into Facebook: Use your account to access your child’s profile if they are underage or have shared their login information with you.
- Go to Settings: Click the downward-facing arrow in the top-right corner, and then select 設定與隱私權 > 設定.
- 隱私設定: Under the 隱私 tab, adjust the following settings:
- Who can see your posts: Set this to “Friends” to limit the visibility of posts.
- Who can contact you: Choose “Friends of Friends” to limit who can send friend requests and messages.
- Who can look you up: Select the option to limit searchability, such as “Only Me” for phone number and email address searches.
2. Use the Activity Log
的 Activity Log allows you to review everything your child has done on Facebook, from posts to likes and comments.
- Go to your child’s profile and click on the three dots (More options) under the cover photo.
- 選擇 Activity Log to see a detailed list of their actions on Facebook.
- You can use this log to monitor posts, interactions, and other activities, providing insight into their behavior.
3. Enable Account Lock for Increased Security
- To prevent strangers from accessing your child’s profile or personal information, enable Profile Lock.
- 前往 設定 > 隱私 > Profile and Tagging.
- 使能夠 Profile Lock to prevent people who are not friends from seeing details such as profile picture and cover photo.
4. Set Up Post Approval
Facebook has a feature called Timeline Review that allows you to approve posts before they appear on your child’s profile. This can be especially useful to prevent them from sharing something inappropriate.
- 前往 設定 > Profile and Tagging.
- Under the Timeline and Tagging section, enable Review posts that friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline.
- This gives you the opportunity to approve or reject any content before it’s visible.
5. Restrict Who Can Send Friend Requests
Limiting who can send friend requests is a simple but effective way to keep your child’s friends list more secure.
- 前往 設定 > 隱私.
- Under Who can send you friend requests?, select Friends of Friends to limit requests from strangers.
6. Monitor Your Child’s Messenger
If your child is using Facebook Messenger, it’s important to monitor their conversations for potential risks.
- Facebook Messenger doesn’t have built-in parental control features, but you can check their chat history directly on the app.
- To monitor, go to their Messenger app or use the Facebook Activity Log to see who they are chatting with.
7. Manage Notifications and App Permissions
- Limit Notifications: Go to 設定 > Notifications to adjust how and when your child gets notifications, helping to manage screen time.
- App Settings: Under 設定, 前往 Apps and Websites to manage which third-party apps your child has connected to their Facebook account. You can remove apps that you don’t want them using.
如果您想瞭解您的孩子在 Facebook 上的隱私(或不隱私)情況,執行「隱私檢查」是個好主意。方法如下:
- 按一下 Facebook 右上方的向下箭頭。
- 按一下 設定與隱私權.
- 按一下 隱私權檢查.
使用 Eyezy 進一步進行家長 Facebook 監控
For those looking to take Facebook privacy to a more secure level, consider Eyezy. The parental control app shows you what they’re up to on all kinds of social media.
透過 Social Spotlight,您可以查看他們的 Facebook Messenger 對話。我們是認真的。您可以檢視發生在 Messenger 上的所有對話。
當您登入 Eyezy 控制面板時,您就可以存取他們所有的對話內容,就像他們在 Messenger 上所顯示的一樣,包括他們分享的文字、圖片和視訊。也支援其他聊天應用程式,包括 WhatsApp、Snapchat、Instagram 和 Tinder。
您也可以存取按鍵擷取功能,顯示他們在 Facebook Messenger 中輸入的所有內容。螢幕記錄工具會在他們使用手機時拍下他們的活動快照,因此您可以看到他們聊天的影像,並檢視已刪除的訊息。
Eyezy + Facebook 家長控制 = 完美
當您將內建的 Facebook 家長控制功能與 Eyezy 配對時,您就不必擔心使用 Facebook 限制模式來保護他們的安全。讓他們過著自己的數位生活,並安心知道他們是在安全且負責任的情況下進行。
There’s a lot more to love about Eyezy than just Facebook monitoring. Check it out and find out why more and more parents are choosing the most advanced parental control app on the planet.