Ditch the Label defines cyberbullying as the following:
- インターネット上で他人に嫌がらせをする;
- 他人を馬鹿にしたり、恥をかかせたり、困らせたりする;
- 他人になりすます;
- 他者に身体的危害を加えたり、殺害しようとする脅迫;
- オンラインで誰かをストーキングする;
- 人種、性的指向、性別に基づくヘイトをばらまく;
- 他者にヘイトクライムを行うよう促す。
What Is Federal Cyberbullying Laws?
あなたは 地図を探す 米国政府の公式ウェブサイトStopBullying.govで、州ごとのいじめに関する法律をご覧ください。
自分の子供がネットいじめを受けていると思ったら Eyezy を使用して虐待の証拠を入手し、加害者に対してそれを使用することができます。しかしもっと重要なのは、ペアレンタルコントロールアプリは、携帯電話やタブレットの有害サイトやアプリへのアクセスを制限することで、子どもがいじめられるのを防ぐのに役立つということだ。
How Does Legislation Protect Social Media Users from Cyberbullying?
Legislation plays a crucial role in protecting social media users from the harmful effects of cyberbullying. As online harassment continues to rise, many countries have introduced strict laws to safeguard individuals, especially minors, from digital abuse. Here’s how legal frameworks help combat cyberbullying on social media:
1. Criminalizing Online Harassment and Threats
Many countries have enacted laws that classify cyberbullying as a criminal offense. These laws cover behaviors such as sending threatening messages, spreading false information, and engaging in online harassment. Offenders can face fines, restraining orders, or even imprisonment depending on the severity of their actions.
- Example: In the U.S., laws like the Cyberbullying Prevention Act criminalize online harassment, while the Malicious Communications Act 1988 in the UK targets threatening or abusive messages.
2. Enforcing Platform Accountability
Legislation often requires social media platforms to take responsibility for user safety. Platforms must implement tools for reporting abuse, remove harmful content promptly, and protect user data.
- Example: について European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA) mandates platforms to moderate harmful content and provide transparent reporting mechanisms.
- Example: In Australia, the Online Safety Act 2021 empowers authorities to demand the removal of abusive content within 24 hours.
3. Protection for Minors and Vulnerable Groups
Specific laws focus on protecting minors, who are most vulnerable to online bullying. These laws often require schools and parents to educate children about online safety and mandate strict consequences for youth involved in cyberbullying.
- Example: について Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) in the U.S. restricts data collection from children under 13, limiting their exposure to online risks.
4. Anti-Defamation and Privacy Laws
Cyberbullying often involves spreading false or damaging information. Defamation and privacy laws protect victims by allowing them to take legal action against those who harm their reputation or violate their privacy online.
- Example: Countries like Canada have laws against criminal harassment and defamation, offering victims a way to seek justice.
5. Mandatory Reporting and Victim Support
Some laws require social media platforms and institutions to report severe cases of cyberbullying to law enforcement. Additionally, governments fund support services to help victims cope with the emotional impact of online harassment.
- Example: In the U.S., schools are often required to report bullying incidents, including online cases, under state anti-bullying laws.
Legislation continues to evolve to address new forms of cyberbullying. By holding individuals and social media platforms accountable, laws provide vital protection and support for users navigating the digital world.