5 Ways How to Track My Child’s Phone Without Them Knowing

Melissa E. Henry

Have you heard the tale of the Boston teenager who purportedly spent the weekend at a friend’s place but secretly embarked on a trip to New York City instead? Chances are, you haven’t. The reason behind this is simple: they successfully evaded detection and went unnoticed.

But if you’re like most parents, this story probably has you wondering, “Can I track my child’s phone without them knowing?”. The answer is yes. And it’s something every parent should seriously consider, especially with the prevalence of social media.

WhatsApp, Messenger, Instagram, and TikTok fall in the top 10 most popular social media apps. These apps also happen to be insanely popular among those 18 and under. All these apps allow kids to connect with strangers and arrange to meet up in person.

That’s why parents all over the world are trying to find the answer to the question, “How to track my child’s Phone.” And we have all the answers you need.

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The Ethics of Tracking Their Phone

We’ve heard the question many times. Can I track my child’s phone without them knowing legally? The answer is yes, in most jurisdictions — assuming your child is under 18 and lives under your roof (always check your local laws first).

Is it ethical or not? Well, it’s all about perspective. Some people think that simply trusting your kids is the best approach.

Others believe that when it comes to child safety in a dangerous world filled with predatory behavior, cyberbullying, and other dangers, parents should have the power to know where their kids are at all times and what they’re doing online.

If you find yourself typing the phrase “ways to track my kid’s phone” on Google search, we have four ways that bring you tremendous value — and relief.

Solution #1: Get a Monitoring App, Like Eyezy

If you have friends who brag that they can see everything on my child’s phone, we bet they’re not relying on Apple’s built-in solutions. Chances are they have a monitoring app, like Eyezy.

Not only does it let you see their current location on a map, but it also lets you read their conversations, see their location history, get alerted when they come and go, and so much more. Here’s a look at how Eyezy helps parents keep their kids safe:

  • See their current location on a map. Child phone monitoring without them knowing is easy when you have Eyezy. From your Control Panel, it’s easy to see their current location on a map. And thanks to geolocation and Wi-Fi technology, it’s extremely accurate.
  • View their location history. It’s not only about being aware of their current location; it’s also important to have insights into where they have been. Eyezy goes beyond by providing you with a comprehensive history of their previous locations. With Eyezy, you can access a detailed record of their past whereabouts, ensuring you have a complete picture of their movements.
  • Receive alerts when they come and go. With Eyezy’s built-in Magic Alerts feature, you’ll know when they leave or arrive at any given location. Just set the location in your Eyezy Control Panel, and Eyezy takes care of the rest.
  • Read their texts. While text messages don’t show you their current location, it can reveal if they’re planning to be somewhere they’re not supposed to be.
  • View their social media messages. Like how you can access text messages, Eyezy’s Social Spotlight feature enables you to view your child’s conversations on popular apps such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Instagram, Snapchat, and even Tinder (if they happen to be using it). See the networks they’ve connected to. With Eyezy, it’s easy to see what networks they regularly connect to. It’s a great way to see if they’re frequenting certain locations.
Ready to dig deeper than just their location?
Eyezy can show you the fullest picture possible!

Solution #2: Track Their Location by Phone Number Using Detectico

Wondering if it’s possible to track your kid’s phone without installing an app and having physical access? We say yes, absolutely. When it comes to finding someone’s exact location by phone number, there’s no better app than Detectico.

Discover how Detectico simplifies locating your child on the map with just a few clicks. GPS tracking has never been this effortless. All you need to do is enter their phone number; our service will handle the rest, providing you with their precise location.

Solution #3: Ask Them to Share Their Location

If you have an iPhone, you can stop wondering how to track your child’s Phone. There’s a nifty little feature built right into the iMessages app. If they type the words “I’m at,” a little “Share My Location,” suggestion will pop up. Tap that, and they can be sure of their exact whereabouts with you.

For this method to work, you’ll need to ask them to text you their location. So if you’re asking yourself, “How can I monitor my child’s phone without them knowing” this method won’t work. After all, it’ll be obvious to them that you want to know where they are.

You can also use additional software to locate your child simply by typing in their phone number.

Solution #4: Get Them to Share Their Location with Maps

In case your child prefers not to rely on text messages or online location-tracking services, there is an alternative method available to track my child’s phone without them knowing for free. Accessing Apple’s built-in Maps app lets them quickly identify their current location through a tiny blue dot.

If they tap that, a little ‘My Location’ panel slides up from the bottom of the screen. If they tap the Share button, they can send you their location in a snap.

Again, this method requires them to share their location with you manually. So if you’re wondering, “Can I see my child’s phone without them knowing,” the answer to this method is no.

Solution #5: Use Find My Device

Whether you rock an Android or wield an iOS, these devices come packed with the ability to track my kids’ phones.

For instance, Android phones with Google services can utilize the Find My Device feature. Similarly, Samsung devices provide a comparable functionality called Find My Mobile, which allows you to track the location of your child’s phone.

Apple, on the other hand, offers a dedicated feature called Find My iPhone, explicitly designed for tracking the whereabouts of its users’ devices.

If you have prior access to their account information, you can discreetly track the child’s phone without them knowing.

Get Eyezy and Start Relaxing

Eyezy is clearly one of the most powerful phone monitoring solutions. And it’s so easy to get up and running. Just subscribe to Eyezy, install it once, and relax. With Eyezy, you’ll effortlessly stay informed about your child’s location and online activities.

See everything everywhere with Eyezy.
Parental app that keeps up with tomorrow's technology
Melissa has been working in education for more than 10 years. As a vocational education teacher in the finance and marketing career clusters, she is experienced in explaining complicated things in simple words. On top of equipping her students with the needed skills, she also shares her knowledge online, delivering marketing-related educational articles and how-to guides for various digital tools.

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