The Spylix Review You’ve Been Waiting For: Everything You Need to Know

Jeremy Heyer

There’s no shortage of Spylix reviews, but too many of them just scratch the surface. They’ll tell you how amazing the product is (usually these reviews are written by people who have a financial stake in the monitoring app) or they’ll just bash the app (these reviews are written by people who would prefer to steer you to other apps).

But if you’re looking for an unbiased Spylix review, the truth is it’s hard to come by. That’s where we come in. We’re parents. And we care about making sure parents like you are able to find an app that helps protect your kids in meaningful ways.

That’s why we’re covering the whole gamut in this review — everything from Spylix cost to reviews from real users. Read on.

Table Of Contents

What the Spylix App Includes

Monitor text messages

If you’re worried about who they’re texting and what they’re saying, it’s worth considering the Spylix app. It includes the ability to read their text messages, including sent and received messages. You can also view and download the photos, videos, and other files contained within their texts.

Read their WhatsApp and social chats

Not everyone communicates by text. In fact, social media apps like WhatsApp, Instagram, and WeChat are often preferred methods of communication for young people. If they communicate via social media apps, Spylix has your back.

Find their location

Many Spylix reviews just scratch the service of location tracking, letting you know that Spylix features GPS technology. But we dug deeper and tested the technology. It works well, showing you where they’re located with accuracy that keeps up with other top contenders.

Spy on installed apps

Just because you told them not to use an app, it doesn’t mean they’re listening. Thankfully, the Spylix app includes a feature that lets you see which apps they’ve installed on their phone. This feature comes in handy if they’re using apps like Tinder — or anything else you don’t approve of.

See what they type

As we conducted our Spylix review, we were happy to see that the monitoring app includes a keylogger. Whether they use Android or iPhone, it’s easy to see what they type with Spylix.

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Spylix Pros and Cons

You already know about the Spylix cost, the features included in the monitoring app, and all the available plans. But if you’re still having trouble making a decision after reading the first part of our Spylix review, these Pros and Cons should help:


  • Demo available so you can play around and see how the app works and stop wondering, “Is Spylix legit?”
  • Works on iOS Android so you never have to worry if they happen to switch phones
  • Multiple subscription plans offered


  • Demo doesn’t show iOS (which offers more limited functionality)
  • Too many plans could make things a little too confusing for new users looking for something simple
  • Dashboard design is not as intuitive as competitors, so it might be hard to find certain features the first time

What Users Really Think of Spylix

There aren’t a ton of Syplix reviews from real users out there. The app isn’t available on the App Store or Google Play. And TrustPilot, which is often a source of information for reputable reviews from real users, doesn’t feature any reviews from actual people.

That’s why we’ve put so much thought and care into our Spylix review. We want you to know what you’re getting into before you pay for a plan. We hope you find it valuable.

Spylix vs. Eyezy: Which Monitoring App Should You Choose?

When reading a Spylix review, you want to know more than just how well the app works. You want to know how it stacks up to the cream of the crop. So today, we’re pitting Spylix against Eyezy.

PricingAndroid & iOS


• 1-month plan for $39.99/mo
• 3-month plan for $19.99/mo
• 12-month plan for $8.33/mo


• 1-month plan for $49.99/mo
• 3-month plan for $23.33/mo
• 12-month plan for $9.99/mo


• 1-month plan for $69.99/mo
• 3-month plan for $33.33/mo
• 12-month plan for $16.67/mo

Android & iOS

• 1-month plan for $47.99/mo
• 3-month plan for $27.99/mo
• 12-month plan for $9.99/mo

# of devicesAndroid Basic
1 device Android Premium
1 device Android Family
3 devices iOS Basic
5 devices iOS Premium
1 device iOS Family
25 devices
Up to 3 with Family Plan
Location trackingYesYes
Social media trackingYesYes
Remote restrictionsYesYes

User Experience

Spylix and Eyezy both have advanced Control Panels that give you access to countless tools. But we found that the Eyezy experience is a little more intuitive.

While Spylix has smartly lumped social media app monitoring under Social Networks, everything else seems a little random, with most tools lumped together under General Features. Eyezy, on the other hand, has designed its app to be extremely intuitive, with each tool located exactly where you’d expect.

Winner:  Eyezy

Social Media Monitoring

Is Spylix legit when it comes to helping you read their private chats? Absolutely. Lots of Spylix reviews talk about the monitoring app’s rich social network monitoring capabilities. And we’ll agree on that front. But is it better than Eyezy? We’d say they’re evenly matched.

Both offer monitoring app for all the popular platforms, like WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram, and even Tinder. And both display chats in little speech bubbles, much like they’d appear if you had their phone in their hand.

Winner: Tie

Hidden Mode

There are lots of monitoring apps that let you keep tabs on your loved ones. But with the vast majority of these solutions, they’ll know you’re using an app to monitor their activity.

Whether it’s a visible app on their phone or a general slowdown that renders their device almost unusable, some apps just don’t deliver on their promise to help you monitor them without being seen.

Spylix is different. It works in hidden mode, so they’ll never know you’re monitoring them. And it does so without slowing down their device. The app is in good company with Eyezy, which features advanced technology that hides traces of the app on their phone and keeps their device running smoothly.

Winner: Tie

Final Thoughts on Spylix

Spylix is a worthy contender in the parental monitoring space. With a generous suite of monitoring tools at your disposal, the app is suitable for most parents’ monitoring needs.

If you find the Spylix cost a little too expensive, and you’re looking for something that’s a little more reputable based on customer reviews alone, you can’t go wrong with Eyezy.

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Jeremy is a journalist and a blogger who is deeply passionate about digital technology. He keeps an eye on the latest digital trends and innovations, enjoys reviewing brand-new devices, and wants to test as many mobile apps as possible. Jeremy crafts content around trending technologies related to various industries, including the parental control niche. His articles and posts are based on his own observations and experiences.


  • Hello im sorry im confused about wether or not i can use the app without downloading or being near the device im trying to spy on and if im signing up using an email am i using mine or theres?

    • Hello,
I hope this message finds you well.

      The only way to monitor a phone is to install our software directly on that device.

    • Hello. Thank you for contacting us. Please note that in most cases, having access to the device is necessary for the installation process.

    • Hello Tamar! I’m sorry you’ve encountered issues with the software. Let’s fix this together. Please contact us via live chat so we can assist you promptly.

    • Hello Brandy, thank you for your interest. The installation time depends on the model. For Android devices, it typically takes 5-7 minutes, while for iOS devices, it can range from 5 to 20 minutes.

  • Yeah, spylix is advertising a bunch of bullshit bc on multiple different advertisements and on demo it Repeatedly tells you that you can use their software without having access to the target phone. And that’s absolutely false. You don’t find out that you need to actually have access to the phone until after you purchase their software. So they’re false advertising and scamming. I dint get my money back!!!

    • Hello,
      We are sorry to hear about your experience. In this case, we recommend reaching out to Spylix’s support team for further assistance with getting a resolution and clarifying any misunderstandings. They should be able to help address your concerns and provide guidance on the next steps.

    • Hello. We’re sorry to hear about your disappointment. Please contact Spylix support team directly with your concerns, and they will assist you promptly.

  • Plz help me know is there any app where there is no need to install the app in target phone.. as target person use to delete the apps..

    • Hi!
      Thank you for your question. It depends on the specific features you need. One app that might be helpful is, as it does not require physical access to the device. Please remember to use these apps responsibly and ensure you comply with your local laws. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact our support team via live chat.

  • Hello, I have purchase the subscription but I am unable to listen to conversation on either normal calls or WhatsApp. I really wanted to know the line of conversation to help guide my loved ones since things are said in secret.

    If there is any other app that can help listen to conversation, it will really help.

    • Hello! Thank you for reaching out. If you’re having trouble with Spylix, we recommend contacting their support team directly for assistance with your issue.

      If you’re looking for alternative options, you might consider mSpy. It’s a great parental control app that includes a wide range of features. For detailed information on its capabilities, please contact mSpy’s support team.

    • Hello Samantha! Thank you for your question. Yes, Spylix works on both Android and iOS devices.

  • can spylix key log what is typed in Facebook Messenger on an iPhone without having to jailbreak the phone?

    • Hi Josh! For specific questions about keylogging in Facebook Messenger on an iPhone, especially without jailbreaking the phone, it’s best to contact the Spylix team directly. They can provide detailed information and assist with any inquiries you have.

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