Locate a Phone Number on Google Map: 3 Powerful Methods

Melissa E. Henry

When you were a kid, it wasn’t easy for your parents to find you. If you were out late, they’d wait up for you. If they were concerned about your well-being, they’d drive around the neighbourhood or call your friends’ houses looking for you. But you’re lucky.

You don’t have to do any of that with your kids. Just locate a phone number with Google Map and get back to doing whatever it is you were doing.

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Why You Might Need to Use Google Maps to Find Them

Your kids are getting older. They’re exploring the neighbourhood. They’re out with friends. They’re busy seeing the world — even if it is a very small corner of your own neighbourhood. And as a parent, you want them to be safe. You want to know they are where they say they are, or that they’re not getting into trouble.

You want to rest easy knowing that they’re not meeting up with people they shouldn’t be meeting up with at places that you forbid. That’s why it helps to know how to track a cell phone number on Google Map.

But is it possible to track someone’s location using their phone number and nothing else? And if you can, is that actually the best method. Today, we’re exploring 3 great Google Maps phone tracker options.

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Option #1: Detectico

If you want to locate a phone number on Google Map pretty easily, you should check out Detectico. The easy-to-use phone finder lets you locate any phone, anywhere in the world, just by punching in a phone number.

With Detectico, there’s nothing to install. Simply go to the Detectico website, punch in the number you want to locate, and enter a custom text message (or choose from Detectico’s menu of pre-written messages). Then hit Send to fire off the message.

The person on the other end will receive your text message, but it won’t show that the message came from your own phone number (Detectico is anonymous). When they tap the link in your message, the Google Maps phone tracker detects their location and Detectico lets you know exactly where they are.

Pros: No app to install and really cost-effective

Cons: Requires the recipient to tap the link to reveal their location

Option #2: Eyezy

Prefer a Google Maps phone number tracker that doesn’t require the user to tap a link? Then Eyezy should be at the top of your list.

The monitoring app is so easy to use that you don’t need to spend time learning how to track a cell phone number on Google Map. Just install Eyezy on their phone and you’ll have direct access to their location.

It’s easy to see where they are. Simply log in to your Eyezy Control Panel, head to Pinpoint on the left nav bar, and click GPS Locations. In the main window, a list of their most recent locations will appear on screen. Just click View on Google to see their location on a map. And if you head to Map View, you’ll see their current location.

Pros: Works in hidden mode, so they won’t know you’re using an app to track them

Cons: You need to install software, so you can’t find someone’s location using their number alone

Option #3: Google Maps

Google Maps find location by number feature works quite well — and it’s built into the Google Maps app, making it even easier to use. To get started, open Google Maps on the Android or iPhone that you want to know about (for example, if you want to know your child’s location, grab their phone and follow our directions).

Next, tap the personal icon (it’s the little circle in the top right). You should now see a popup menu of various options. Tap Location Sharing, and if it’s off, turn it on to share the location of the phone. Finally, choose the people you want to share the phone’s location with, along with a duration.

When you’re ready to see the location of their phone, just head to your own iPhone or Android and follow the same procedure. Once you get to the step where you choose Location Sharing, you’ll see a list of people who are sharing their location with you.

Pros: Easy to set up and use

Cons: They can easily see that you’re viewing their location

Why More and More People Are Choosing Eyezy

Can you track phone on Google Maps using any of the above-mentioned apps? You bet. But if you want to do more than just know how to track a phone number on Google Maps, we highly recommend you get Eyezy.

The monitoring app includes full location support, with detailed Google Maps to show you where they are and where they’ve been. But it goes above and beyond the other options with a suite of tools designed to give you peace of mind.

With Magic Alerts, you’ll be notified when they arrive or leave a specific location. With Social Spotlight, you can view their private texts, chats, and emails. With Plans Breaker, you’ll gain access to their social calendar.

With Files Finder, you can see the photos and videos on their phone. There’s even a keylogger and screen recorder to capture every keystroke and snapshots of their phone as they use it.

And we’ve barely scratched the surface here. To see how powerful Eyezy really is, fire up the demo and play around.

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Melissa has been working in education for more than 10 years. As a vocational education teacher in the finance and marketing career clusters, she is experienced in explaining complicated things in simple words. On top of equipping her students with the needed skills, she also shares her knowledge online, delivering marketing-related educational articles and how-to guides for various digital tools.

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