Neatspy App Review: Is the Monitoring App as Neat as It Suggests?

Jeremy Heyer

With a name like Neatspy, you’d expect that the app would have you shouting “Neat!” every time you stumble upon a new feature.

After all, Neatspy boasts over 1,000,000 users spread across 190 countries, making it an extremely popular monitoring app, so it must be doing something right. But is that actually the case? Or does it induce a more “Meh” type response? Read this Neatspy review to find out for yourself.

Table Of Contents

What the Neatspy App Offers Out of the Box

Read their texts

If you’re investing in a monitoring app, you probably want to read their text messages. We’re pleased to report that the Neatspy app lets you do just that. Simply log in to your Dashboard and view all their sent and received text messages.

On Android, you’ll have one Messages section that covers off all text messages. And on iOS, you’ll have a separate section for iMessages.

Access their social chats

Text messages used to be the way everyone communicated, but that’s changed with the advent of social media. The people behind neat spy know this, which is why they’ve included social media monitoring.

Whether they chat on Messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Tumblr, or Tinder, it’s good to know that you’ll be able to read their social chats (though given the Neatspy price, not being able to read their social media chat would be a bit ridiculous).

See their photos

If you’re concerned that they’ve got controversial photos saved on their phone, Neatspy has you covered. One click and you can see all the pics they’ve got saved on their device. You’ll also see a date and time stamp, so you’ll know when it was saved. And you can even download it in case you’re worried that they’ll delete it.

Discover their locations

Worried that they’re hanging around with the wrong crowd or visiting places that they shouldn’t be visiting? Then you’ll be glad you read this Neatspy review because the app shows you their location on a map, complete with address-specific information and date/time details.

See their contacts

If you want to know what kind of person they are, just look at the company they keep. In the real world, that means meeting their friends. In the online world, that means checking out their Contacts — something Neatspy does rather well.

Get SIM card alerts

Do they have two SIM cards — one that you know of and another one that you don’t? Neatspy can tell you. Just head to your Dashboard to view their SIM details, including the mobile carrier and other crucial information. Neatspy can even let you know if they remove their SIM.

See what they type

Is Neatspy legit? When it comes to monitoring features, the answer is an absolute yes. That’s especially true with the keylogger feature. It shows you each keystroke they’ve typed in the most popular apps.

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Is Neatspy Legit?

After using it, we can confirm that it most certainly is. After figuring out how to install Neatspy, you’ll quickly discover that it offers all the bells and whistles a monitoring app should.

But you can read all the Neatspy reviews in the world and still not be convinced. That’s why it’s always a good idea to read what real users have to say about the Neatspy monitoring app. Here’s what we’ve found.

Neatspy Pros and Cons

If you want the TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read) version of this Neatspy review, we’ve got it for you right here in a quick Pros & Cons list.

• Demo available
• Works on iOS Android
• Multiple subscription plans offered

• Social media coverage limited on iOS
• Too many plans make things confusing
• Gets expensive if covering multiple devices

Neatspy vs. Eyezy: Which Monitoring App Is Superior?

After reading various Neatspy reviews, you probably want to know how it stacks up to the competition. So let’s take a look at one of the best contenders — Eyezy. We’re comparing the 3 most popular features to help you make a smart decision.



• 1-month plan for $39.99/mo
• 3-month plan for $59.99/mo
• 12-month plan for $99.99/mo

• 1-month plan for $49.99/mo
• 3-month plan for $69.99/mo
• 12-month plan for $119.99/mo

• 1-month plan for $69.99/mo
• 3-month plan for $99.99/mo
• 12-month plan for $199.99/mo


• 1-month plan for $99.99/mo
• 3-month plan for $199.99/mo
• 12-month plan for $399.99/mo

• 1-month plan for $49.99/mo
• 3-month plan for $79.99/mo
• 12-month plan for $129.99/mo

• 1-month plan for $399.99/mo
• 3-month plan for $699.99/mo
• 12-month plan for $999.99/mo

Android & iOS

1-month plan for $47.99/mo
3-month plan for $27.99/mo
12-month plan for $9.99/mo

# of devices1 device per subscription onlyUp to 3 with Family Plan
Location trackingYesYes
Social media trackingYes (but for users with Premium and Exprime versions)Yes
Remote restrictionsNoYes

Social Media Monitoring

How does Neatspy work to help you find out what they’re saying on social media? Quite well, actually. Just head to your Dashboard and read their convos. And while the functionality is similar to what Eyezy offers, we’re going to give Eyezy the upper hand due to its more realistic implementation.

The user interface in Neatspy feels a little dated, and it’s not clear who’s behind each conversation. But with Eyezy, you get realistic chat bubbles and dedicated conversation windows for each contact.

Winner:  Eyezy

GPS Tracking

Given the Neatspy cost, it’s important that the app deliver a robust location tracking solution. After all, a monitoring app without location monitoring isn’t worth much. Thankfully, Neatspy delivers a strong solution, letting you see their current location and past locations just as easily.

Winner: Tie

Keyword Alerts

We like that the Neatspy app offers a keylogger. In our opinion, a monitoring app needs to offer this functionality to score top marks. And while Neatspy’s keylogger works well, it doesn’t go as far as Eyezy’s keylogging functionality.

Not only can you review the words typed through Eyezy, but the app also alerts you if they use a word or phrase of your choosing. And that makes Eyezy slightly better.

Winner: Eyezy

Final Thoughts on Neatspy

Neatspy is a solid option for those looking for a very good monitoring app. But while the app’s many features will have you shouting “Neat” as you use them, Eyezy will have you screaming “Wow”.

If you’re looking for a superior app that delivers on all fronts, Eyezy is the better choice. But no matter what you choose, you’ll have a trustworthy app at your disposal.

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Jeremy is a journalist and a blogger who is deeply passionate about digital technology. He keeps an eye on the latest digital trends and innovations, enjoys reviewing brand-new devices, and wants to test as many mobile apps as possible. Jeremy crafts content around trending technologies related to various industries, including the parental control niche. His articles and posts are based on his own observations and experiences.

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